Column on publishing and book news for the Hindu Literary Review

Column on publishing and book news for the Hindu Literary Review

Jaya Bhattacharji Rose I will be starting a monthly column from May 2014 with the Hindu Literary Review  on news, comments and information about publishing within India and globally. It could be trade, academic, children and young adult literature. It will consist of news about trends, mergers, new book releases, author news, what is happening in the regional languages, snippets and comments about books etc. So if you would like to share information that would be of interest to me please let me know.

The Hindu Literary Review is probably the only space left in print media that has a dedicated supplement to literature. It is published on the first Sunday of every month but has a substantial archive online. Here is the link:

Email id: jayabhattacharjirose at gmail dot com  

3 April 2014


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